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14 March 2023
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It is a privilege and honour to be the subject of Calligraphy Masters Podcast Episode 22, which is released today! Calligraphy Masters is a platform built for showcasing inspirational Calligraphy and Hand Lettering from around the world. Here are some links: Thank you so much, Milen - I'm looking forward to the next one already. |
2 September 2022
The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is finally released - which means Daniel can now reveal what has kept him so busy and so silent for the last three years. Since August 2019, with breaks enforced by Covid and by the production schedule, Daniel has worked on Amazon Prime's mammoth project, creating maps, inventing writing systems, providing calligraphy and lettering, creating artwork, making props and set dressings, and more.
October 2020
Myth and Legend, the Artist as Storyteller. Two New Zealand artists, Daniel Reeve and Michael Barker, explore myths and legends from around the world, from ancient to contemporary, in this exhibition in the Toi Gallery at Pataka Art + Museum in Porirua.
5 August 2020
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Hosted by the San Francisco calligraphy guild Friends of Calligraphy, Daniel gave an online lecture on his calligraphy, maps and art in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies of films, via Zoom. 300 or so people attended the lecture, from all corners of the globe: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Honduras, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, and the United States. Technology triumphs over virus and distance barriers, bringing calligraphy enthusiasts together. (Well, apart from the powercut that brought proceedings to an abrupt end - luckily the event had nearly concluded anyway.) |
September 2019
Stoked to be included in "Archipelago - an Atlas of Imagined Islands," edited by Dr Huw Lewis-Jones of Polarworld and published in September 2019 by Thames & Hudson.
30 March 2019
On a large canvas, combining painting, gilding and cartography, Daniel has created Metal Earth. The piece evolved and changed as it progressed, metamorphing into something unexpected, but better than originally planned! Completely unique. It was exhibited with the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts Autumn 2019 exhibition, where it was sold.
View more images on the Smaller Projects page.
16-17 March 2019
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Daniel is once again taking part in the Porirua Arts Trail, over the weekend of 16-17 March 2018, at Pataka Arts+Museum, Parumoana Street, Porirua. Over twenty artists and groups are on the trail, which extends from Tawa to Pukerua Bay; some in their studios, others at hubs such as Pataka. Daniel will be painting artworks and demonstrating calligraphy and letter art during each day (10am-4pm), at The Spine in Pataka |
January 2019
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Daniel's portrait of Gandalf the Grey is now for sale at Weta Workshop. The portrait matches the one of Bilbo Baggins which Daniel drew for The Hobbit films. Both were drawn with pen and ink, on paper. Click here to view the items for sale at Weta Workshop |
1 December 2018
The Ring Maker meets the Ring Writer!
Having created this elven-inspired script over several years, Daniel has partnered with Jens Hansen the Ringmaker, makers of the One Ring in The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit films, to create Elvish Signet Rings, engraved with the elven monogram of the wearer.
Read more details about the project on the Smaller Projects page.
Click here to view the rings for sale on the Jens Hansen website.26 October 2018
Part Two of the "Get NZ on the Map" campaign is released today! Map by Daniel Reeve, of course ;-)
If you missed Part One, you can view it here. More details about the project are on the Smaller Projects page.
October 2018
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16 October 2018
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Daniel contributed to a mini documentary: "Conlang - the language of Nerdom" on TVNS's Re: channel - check it out! |
4 October 2018
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The Writer's Map, An Atlas of Imaginary Lands, is published today! This book is a wonderful compendium of writers' thoughts on the geographies they describe and the wild landscapes of their imagination. A treasure trove for anyone who loves maps, real or fanciful! Daniel is honoured to be included among the amazing cast of contributors to this book, lovingly put together by historian, explorer, expedition guide, teacher, photographer, and champion of the environment, Dr Huw Lewis-Jones of Polarworld. |
October 2018
Daniel donated a painting to the Little Sprouts charity art event. Little Sprouts is a volunteer-run charity giving NZ's babies in need a good start in life. Artists from all over the Wellington region have donated paintings for the event, which comprises an exhibition at Pataka Art + Museum, 12-28 October 2018, with an art auction on the 27th.
30 June 2018
Teaching a one-day calligraphy workshop at Gordon Harris, the Art and Graphics Store, in Wellington.
10 June 2018
24 June 2018
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Teaching another calligraphy workshop, this time for Karori Arts Centre in association with Watercolour New Zealand. This is a one-day workshop tailored to the abilities of the students, focusing on italics and uncials, and the techniques for combining calligraphy and watercolour. Date: 24 June 2018, 9:30am - 5:00pm Venue: Karori Arts Centre, 7 Beauchamp Street, Karori, Wellington Level: All levels. Tailored to the abilities of students. Cost: $95 NZD To book this workshop or request further information: |
28-29 April 2018
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Teaching a calligraphy workshop over the weekend 28th-29th April 2018: Uncials With Attitude, with Calligraphers of Kapiti and Calligraphy on the Coast. We examine various historical uncial alphabets, and adding some modern-day tweaks, arriving at an exemplar uncial alphabet for this workshop. Then the fun stuff: pressure, twisting, lifting, serifs, ligatures, variations, spacing, size contrast, different papers, ink lifting, speed. |
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10-11 March 2018
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Daniel is taking part in the inaugural Porirua Arts Trail, over the weekend of 10-11 March 2018, at Pataka Arts+Museum, Parumoana Street, Porirua. Over twenty artists and groups are on the trail, which extends from Tawa to Pukerua Bay; some in their studios, others at hubs such as Pataka. Daniel will demonstrate calligraphy during each day (10am-4pm) Artworks will be for sale. |
18 November 2017
Daniel is exhibiting with the Calligraphers of Kapiti in their "Many A Word" exhibition in the Community Art Space at Paraparaumu Public Library from 18 November to 8 December 2017. Daniel's piece is an homage to the draught horse, with a diagram of the parts of its harness. See the Calligraphy page for a better view of the piece. To the lady who commissioned a diagram of a Draught Horse Harness all those years ago: your piece is FINALLY READY! How are your Percherons? |
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February - July 2017
Working on MORTAL ENGINES. A film based upon the book of the same name.
15 February 2017
"My first solo exhibition is on the wall!
Despite being an established artist all these years, I've never had a solo exhibition - until now. This is a mix of old and new work, and includes paintings, calligraphy and movie paraphernalia - the famous Middle-earth map and prop replicas from The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Twenty pieces altogether (the image above is just a selection).
The exhibition is at Kapiti Gallery, 192 Matai Road, Raumati, until March 19.
Gallery hours: Wednesdays-Sundays 10:00am-4pm (closed Mondays and Tuesdays)
I'll be at the gallery at 2pm on Saturdays 18 Feb and 25 Feb, demonstrating calligraphy, answering questions, etc."
- Daniel
11 January 2017
Daniel Reeve is pleased to announce that he will be the Guest Artist at Kapiti Gallery for their upcoming exhibition Eye C from 15 February to 19 March 2017. This show will present an anthology of Daniel's art, works both old and new, occupying two thirds of the gallery, with the remainder set aside for Kapiti Art Society members' works.
During the exhibition, Daniel will demonstrate painting and calligraphy at the gallery, and give a presentation about his work on The Hobbit - dates and times will be announced shortly.
Kapiti Gallery's address is 192 Matai Road, Raumati Beach.
November 2016
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Daniel created replicas of both pages of the 1835 Declaration of Independence of the United Tribes of New Zealand, for Archives New Zealand, for display in the National Gallery. Having replicas means that both sides of the document can be viewed. |
Flashback: February 2015
In early 2015 Daniel worked on Krampus, contributing artwork for the bad toys packaging, and various pieces of design, lettering and calligraphy. See the Small Projects page to view larger images. |
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April 2016
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Prints of "Elements" are now for sale.Daniel's calligraphic piece "Elements" was featured in Letter Arts Review, the Annual Juried Issue, which showcases the best calligraphy of the year - and it even made it onto the front cover! (amongst other pieces) Entries come from all over the world, and about 70 pieces are selected from over 400 entries submitted each year. Letter Arts Review is the world's pre-eminent calligraphy publication. |
September 2015
Daniel is delighted to announce that he will be the 'Artist In Residence' for Red Carpet's Sketching and Photography Tour in November 2016.
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6 February 2015
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Waitangi Day. Daniel was invited by Porirua's Festival of the Elements to paint a watercolour depicting the day's events - the painting is now being auctioned for charity, raising funds for The Titahi Bay Surf Lifesaving Club. Afterwards, Daniel demonstrated calligraphy at Pataka, in The Spine. |
30 January 2015
Daniel Reeve is one of a select group of artists invited to exhibit at the NZ Academy of Fine Arts ' exhibition SIGNING, commemorating 175 since the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi; what it means to live in Aotearoa today. Daniel is exhibiting two paintings, and has also provided a replica of the main sheet of the Treaty of Waitangi for display during the course of the exhibition, which runs from 31 January to 1 March. |
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11 December 2014
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Designed a T-shirt for Red Carpet Tour's premiere tour for the release of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. Sold out in minutes, proceeds going to charity. |
December 2014
Daniel also did the artwork for the Collector's Pin for The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, released by Weta in December 2014. |
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December 2014
The Lord of the Rings Commemorative Pins released recently by (and sold exclusively by) Weta were designed by Daniel Reeve earlier in 2014.
8-28 November 2014
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Exhibiting with the Calligraphers of Kapiti at their "Earth, Air, Fire, Water" exhibition in the Roderick and Gillian Deane Community Art Space at the Paraparaumu Public Library, 8 - 28 November 2014. Here is Daniel's piece "Elements". View a detailed image on the Calligraphy page. |
13-23 November 2014
Exhibiting at "Splash 2014" with Watercolour New Zealand in the foyer of the Michael Fowler Centre, Wellington, from 13 November until 23 November, 2014. Above is Daniel's painting "Island Bay Fishing Boats", painted on location.
September - October 2014
Working on The Light Between Oceans.....
September 2014
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Daniel designed maps and a cover for Richard Woolley's new sci-fi novel Sekabo, a thriller set in England in the future (2097) and recent past (1990). Daniel designed the Sekaboan flag, drew two maps (one shown here), and designed the cover of the book, featuring the Sekaboan flag flying over a fragmenting Union Jack.... The book launched in September 2014 |
25 July 2014
PERSPECTIVE IN DEPTH (Haha - get it?). As painters, we are constantly trying to portray a three-dimensional world on a flat surface - and one of the key elements in achieving the illusion of depth and distance is perspective. There is more to perspective than you might think. In this workshop we will cover linear perspective - vanishing points, horizons, figures in a scene, subjective veiwpoints, the effect of proximity, camera versus eye, perspective in portraiture, foreshortening; and aerial perspective - diminishing tonal contrast, diminishing of warm colours, diminishing saturation, hazy edges, blues; and we'll put it all together - painting from life and from reference material - and include some particular instruction on clouds, water, streets and buildings. And for the brave, there'll even be a discussion on why the vanishing point is a lie.... Daniel will teach a perspective workshop for Watercolour NZ on the weekend of 9-10 August, 2014. Details on the Watercolour NZ website |
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June 2014
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Daniel did all the calligraphy for The Prime Minister's Educational Excellence Awards 2014. ![]() |
March 2014
Created the lettering design for the Spirit Storm logo. Spirit Storm is a game by Kabam. |
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22 March 2014
High-quality reproduction of Daniel's painting "Hobbiton Across The Water" is now for sale here.
5 September 2013
Exhibiting at "Splash 2013" with Watercolour New Zealand in the Wellington Cathedral of St Paul, Molesworth St, Wellington, from 5 September until 15 September, 2013. Above is Daniel's painting "Wellington Railway Station", one of four paintings he is exhibiting here.
July 2013
Jaseth of Jaelshead, Book One: "Bloodkin" is a novel by Cathy Ashford, the first of a series. Daniel created artwork and lettering for the cover and a map for inside the book, showing the arena in which the narrative takes place. The book is now published and for sale at Amazon
8 June 2013
Weta Cave celebrated its fifth birthday, with Daniel making a guest appearance to personalise Invitations to a Party of Special Magnificence! - prop replicas of the party invitations as they appear in both The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
Also released recently by Weta is the family tree of Baggins of Hobbiton, as seen in The Hobbit. This is for sale as an art print, available exclusively from Weta. "The family tree used in LOTR naturally included the next generation (with Frodo et al); but events in The Hobbit are sixty years earlier, so I had to create this 'earlier' family tree for The Hobbit films." - DR |
5 June 2013
Daniel opened "Class Act 3", an exhibition of the works of students of Jacky Pearson. Daniel is also the guest artist at the exhibition, and selected and presented the Judge's Award prize, which went to Marianne Linton for her painting "Quinces". The exhibition runs from 6th June to 16th June at the Odlin Gallery on Mrytle Street, Lower Hutt.
23 March - 12 April 2013
Exhibiting at "Sea Fever" with Calligraphers of Kapiti, in the foyer artspace at Paraparaumu Public Library, from 23 March until 12 April, 2013.
24 February 2013
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Watercolour NZ's monthly painting group met at Government House in Wellington for February's session; Daniel was the tutor. With it being a special location, painting was followed by picnic lunch and wine on the lawn in front of Government House. Daniel's demonstration painting can be viewed on the Paintings page. |
2 February 2013
Weta Cave hosted a session with Daniel, during which he chatted to folks about his involvement in The Hobbit and signed copies of his work. "Thanks Weta - lovely to be there, as always!"
January 2013
"Amongst the many things I created for Bag End were these recipes, written by Bilbo Baggins. I decided on a Stuffing recipe(for chicken, duck, etc), a Lamb Stew, and Pastry Cakes. The pantry scenes were to be shot the next day, so I had to invent the recipes on the spot! But I like to cook, so these should work fine...(as long as you know your noggins from your scruples, and have a porringer to measure things with)...." These are now available as prints, from Weta |
12 December 2012
"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" opens for general release in cinemas worldwide. This is the first part in a trilogy of films, based on Tolkien's classic "The Hobbit".
Work by Graphic Artist, Daniel Reeve, is featured throughout the film - a few examples (but by no means all) are shown above.
29 November 2012
The Green Dragon is opened at the Hobbiton Movie Set, now a major tourist attraction near Matamata, New Zealand. The Green Dragon is the local Hobbiton pub, featured in The Lord of the Rings, and now exists as a real bar, where visitors can sample hobbit-brewed ale and eat good hobbit fare, and view Daniel's artwork and maps on the walls. |
28 November 2012
"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" premieres at The Embassy theatre in Wellington, New Zealand. |
14 November 2012
An interesting bloke I met while painting on the Wellington waterfront.... ;-)

9 November 2012
Launched the official Daniel Reeve, Artist page on Facebook. The Facebook page will contain similar images to this website, except they'll generally be larger and clearer. Enjoy!
8 October 2012
Wellington City Council launched the "Middle of Middle-earth" re-branding of Wellington City today, adopting this logo designed by Daniel, in the lead-up to November's world premiere of The Hobbit; An Unexpected Journey. The design features Bilbo Baggins' round, green front door of Bag End. Symbolically, "when you open this door, you enter the world of The Hobbit; you enter Middle-earth". The design also features the golden Ring, central to both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and a leaf representing Middle-earth fused with a "koru" representing New Zealand. Sharp-eyed viewers will also find that the brass doorknob in the centre is actually a map of Wellington - Wellington of course being the "Middle of Middle-earth" |
1 October 2012
Daniel Reeve's prop replicas of the Lonely Mountain Map and the Burglar Contract are now for sale, exclusively from Weta, in their growing line-up of merchandise from The Hobbit films. "Creating these things for the films was such a pleasure - but after their fleeting moments in the movie, they're gone. So it's fantastic now to be able to faithfully reproduce them for fans, to own for themselves, and enjoy all the detail that went into them, the detail that can never be fully appreciated on screen." * * * The "moon runes" on Thorin's Map are invisible until the map is back-lit. The edges of the map are painted, every crease and every fold has been reproduced by hand, all the same "distressing" work done to the original has been applied to these replicas. * * * Daniel not only created the Contract physically; he was also the author of it! A major piece of work, and an icon of The Hobbit films, this faithful replica of the original prop is truly a collector's item. |
1 October 2012
Prints of these five maps from The Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey, are now for sale from Weta.
22 July 2012
Weta Cave hosted Daniel Reeve on Sunday, July 22nd, to sign copies of his Middle-earth map, and to chat with folk about his involvment in the films. Daniel brought along his memorabilia from not only LOTR, but also the Narnia films, King Kong, Van Helsing, Warrior's Way, Underworld III, and Tintin.
Future signing sessions are likely, once The Hobbit is released....
8 June 2012
Daniel's famous Map of Middle-earth is now available for sale at Weta. For the first time, this is a true and faithful reproduction of the original artwork, with no colour enhancements or other tweaks; just the warts-and-all ink and watercolour as Daniel created it on a bit of print-making paper in his garage, way back in 2001. |
November 2011
One of Daniel's paintings has become a ceramic tile! Wildside Gifts creates ceramic tiles - among other things - featuring original NZ art. Daniel's painting of this iconic bird is now part of the collection.The maori name for the fantail is "piwakawaka". |
22 October 2011
Calligraphers of Kapiti are exhibiting "Iconic Kiwis" - calligraphic depictions, representations and essays on famous New Zealanders. The exhibition is in the Roderick & Gillian Deane Community Art Space at the Paraparaumu Public Library until November 11, 2011. |
8 October 2011
Daniel did two demonstration paintings for Watercolour NZ at their 2011 exhibition at the Michael Fowler Centre. This demonstration painting, entitled "How To Decorate Your Hobbit Hole" was painted using a limited palette of 3 colours, and sold on the spot. |
September 2011
Took part in the Unscripted exhibition, showcasing the artistic talents of workers in New Zealand's film industry. A great event, with amazing work. Hopefully it'll happen again next year. |
12 July 2011
At long last, Daniel's fonts are available from, where they can now be purchased and downloaded instantly. MyFonts is the world's largest collection of fonts for sale, and really is the right place for these fonts to be.
The fonts will continue to be displayed on the Fonts page of this website, too. When you click on the links associated with a font on that page, your browser will be directed to the appropriate page in MyFonts, where you can purchase the font instantly, using any of the normal online payment methods.
December 2010
WordsWork published by the Australian Society of Calligraphers. The ASC promotes calligraphy in Australia (and indeed New Zealand), and in 2010 decided to create a showcase of contemporary calligraphy from both countries. "WordsWork" is the result, and features calligraphy and Lettering Art from 72 artists - including Daniel Reeve. |
November 2010 - ???
Working on The Hobbit....
22-31 October 2010
Exhibiting at 'Splash', the annual exhibition hosted by Watercolour New Zealand, at Shed 11 on the waterfront in Wellington. Free admission.
15-17 October 2010
Daniel was this year's special guest at LetterHeads, the annual signwriter's conference at which traditional materials and techniques are used and taught, in order to keep alive the knowledge and the multitude of skills used in this ancient craft. "Keepers of the Craft" is their motto, and that is what they do.
This year the three-day event was held in Petone, near Wellington. Daniel gave a presentation about some of his work in films, as well as demonstrating calligraphy and giving the signwriters a chance to put down their brushes and try using a pen.
3-10 October 2010
The Northern Escape Artists Tour, with Daniel Reeve as Artist-in-residence, visited the beautiful Far North of New Zealand. Full report here |
16 September 2010
The latest issue of Calligraphers of Kapiti magazine (published quarterly) is released today. Covers Gemma Black's visit, various workshop reports, and an article on Spacing in our new Back to Basics column. |
28 August 2010
Daniel taught a watercolour painting workshop on the subject of the limited palette. The paintings shown here were created with only two colours. Daniel also demonstrated other two-colour palettes, as well as three-colour palettes in low key, mid key and high key variations. |
14 August 2010
Daniel taught a calligraphy workshop: teaching a script based on the Bâtarde hands, and how to create "parchment" effects on paper. |