Red Carpet Sketching Tour
April 2010
A second sketching tour was held in April 2010, with a similar itinerary to the
October 2008 tour. Daniel's artwork from this second tour is shown below...

Chief was Aragorn's horse, Brego, in the films. I gifted this watercolour painting to the principal horse trainer, stunt double and Black Rider extraordinaire: Chris Rutten.
Charcoal sketch of a tree in Alexandra.


The view from Edoras (Mt Sunday). Last time I did a pencil drawing, but the better option was a watercolour, so that's
what I did this time. Painted very quickly in very windy conditions, but a good result.
Little pinecones on a branch. Graphite. We all sketched these while sitting at the dinner table one evening.


Sam and Rosie's hobbit hole, drawn from a set photograph. I drew this using traditional
drawing chalks: black, sepia, sanguine, bistre - my first attempt at using this medium.
Salt and pepper shakers and a little tin bucket of sugar sachets, etc, in one of the cafés. Pencil.


Poolburn lake. Painted extremely quickly, using a limited palette - I was pleased with this.
The Stables restaurant in Arrowtown, sketched with charcoal.


North Mavora Lake, watercolour. A beautiful spot, with wonderful sun on the lake. The cloudy day made for a great limited palette painting.
One of the hobbit holes at Matamata, sketched from memory while travelling in the van.


"The grey rain curtain of this world rolls back and all turns to silver glass.
And then you see it. White shores, and beyond a far green country under a swift sunrise." - Tolkien
This Watercolour commissioned to capture the essence of the Tolkien quote.
So, another successful tour concluded. And despited being speared through the heart and flung off a bridge, I'd jump at the chance to do it all again!